APS Student Handbook Links
Handbook Essentials
Attendance is mandatory. Absences will be reported to parents, guardians, probation officers, truancy officers or judges as appropriate. Students may be removed for lack of attendance.
Dress Code
Student dress and grooming is to reflect high standards of personal conduct so that each student’s attire promotes a positive, safe and healthy atmosphere within the school.
Schools may customize their individual dress codes to address the needs and standards of their communities and neighborhoods through use of a process that ensures input from students, parents, faculty and staff of the school, and other interested community members.
Some schools have adopted student dress policies in addition to the regular dress code.
All schools that have adopted a uniform dress code policy also allow students to wear:
- “Docker” style pants in black, navy or khaki color; and
- Solid color Polo style shirts in white, light blue, dark blue or green
- Schools may accept other colors of pant and shirt styles as well.
No student shall miss instructional class time for the first two weeks of the school year or within the first two weeks of the student’s date of enrollment (whichever is later) because they do not have a school uniform. However, the student’s dress must meet the regular dress code as outlined above.
If your family cannot provide a school uniform, please let the school know and they will support you. Students and their parents/guardians have the responsibility to be aware of the school specific dress codes and must conform to those requirements.
The responsibility to interpret and enforce the dress code policy rests with each school principal.
Personal Technology
All electronic devices, including cell phones, iPods/iPads, beepers, blackberries, etc., must be placed in a basket while students are in class.