Our School
Juvenile Detention Center
Mission Statement
The JDC School Staff, as advocates for children, provide a safe and healthy environment where students have the opportunity for education, personal growth, and development of life skills thus building positive bridges to the community.
Contact Information
- Meghan Miller
Principal - Kim Coffey
Educational Assistant / Webmaster
Phone: (505) 468-7168 - Mario Encinias
Teacher - Julie Gallegos
Teacher - Julie Mendoza
About the School
- A Title I School
- Services General and Special Education students
- Technology coursework
- Reading Lab
- HiSET preparatory classes
- English as a Second Language (ESL) classes
- Attendance and academic grades can be transferred upon a students’ release to their next educational setting
School Schedule
- Follows the APS calendar schedule
Continuation School
Continuation School is an alternative school that offers continued educational opportunities to general education high school students who have been suspended or expelled for major infractions of the disciplinary code. Students attend for the period of their long term suspension. APS hearing officers can refer students to Continuation School.
Students and families referred to Continuation School will participate in an interview to determine the appropriateness of the program. Classes are assigned based on an evaluation of the student’s transcript. Classes include a) computer based instruction b) essays and projects c) book reports.
The number and type of credits that can be earned at Continuation School depend upon a student’s existing transcript, attendance, and effort while enrolled in the class.
Mission Statement
Continuation School, in a collaborative effort, takes a leadership role in reducing drop-out rates and facilitating successful transition to continuous educational opportunities by providing a short term credit granting alternative school for students who are not able to attend a traditional school setting.
Contact Information
- Meghan Miller
Phone: (505) 468-7223
Portable #3, East End of Campus - Christopher Koller
School Location
- Juvenile Justice Center
5100 Second St. NW 87107
Phone: (505) 468-7284
Classes are divided between 8am and 11:30am M-Th. Student attendance will be determined by availability and teacher's discretion.
School Goals
- Reduce the drop out rate among APS students.
- Focus on earning and recovering credits.
- Improve student's attitudes, achievement levels & behavior.
- Reintegrate students into their home schools or alternative APS placement for continued schooling/graduation.
- Encourage attainment of high school diplomas for all students entering the program.
Student Expectations
Dress Code
Continuation School students must adhere to the standard APS Dress Code.
Attendance is mandatory. Absences will be reported to parents, guardians. Students may be removed for lack of attendance.
Students in the Continuation School Program will have a schedule that includes:
- All courses are Edgenuity curriculum.
- Essays, papers, book reports & projects as assigned by teacher.
Behavior Policy
Continuation School students and parents will sign a contract which includes academic and behavior expectations. Violations of this contract may result in dismissal from this program.
APS general education High School students who have been long-term suspended from an APS high school may be referred to Continuation School from Hearing Office. Length of long-term suspension is determined by the hearing officer and may attend Continuation School only for this time period.
All state requirements for immunizations must be current.
Credit Recovery
The number and type of credits that can be earned at Continuation School depends upon a student’s existing transcript, attendance, and effort while enrolled at the school.
Transportation is the responsibility of the parents, guardians of students.
Personal Technology
All personal electronic devices and accessories, (cell phone, earbuds etc.) must be turned in while students are in class.